
most of my fanfics are kinda cute idk except for cross my heart and hope to die I hate that fanfic it sucks so bad omfg, anyway I wanna write a really dirty fanfic but i dont know how?!idushudusij


hey guys. my account is no longer strictly 5sos. I decided that I was going to expand my account and write stories about other things, fanfics about other celebrities and maybe even some poems or short stories. I will still be writing about 5sos, but I will also have other fanfictions on here soon.


hi ok so i know that none of you read these updates but here we go
          so i have exams this week/next week, i wont be posting any updates. 
          i have lots of ideas for new fanfics so PPLEEASE stay tuned i promise i wont be gone for much longer!! you can always follow me on any of my social medias if you'd like to see more of me :')))) lol probably not but i just thought id throw that self promo out there
          check out what im listening to through these stressful times on my spotify linked in my bio .x.o.x.o


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hey guys! I have a few things to talk about regarding my updating schedule and other things...
          1) as you've probably already realized, I update at random times, mostly just when I feel like updating... I don't have a strict schedule or certain days when I update and I'm sorry for that.. I just write chapters when I'm in the mood or have spare time. 
          2) I have a lot of projects and things coming up in the very near future so I might be absent from wattpad for a few weeks in june.. (exams, school, shit) so I am going to apologize in advance, but I might try (if I get time) to pre-write a few chapters so I can have some to post while I'm busy with exams. 
          3) I'm sorry if any of my fanfics are boring and I am also sorry for any followers who may have been reading the following stories that I took down : "The Flowers By Your Grave"& "Grand Piano" . As you already know I took them down because I didn't like them and had basically just came to a dead end... writers block mostly but also lack of plot.  It was realy hard for me to decide to give up on them. However, I still have them in my drafts, and I might consider re-writing them (as a summer project to keep myself busy.) Along with "Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die", I might rewrite the fanfics, adding plot and correcting things.  It may come down for a while. You may not know but I absolutely hate the plot of cross you heart and hope to die and I think it could have been written so much better with way more detail and such, but I just got lazy and didn't know how to keep it interesting. If you've read it, you would know that it ends VERY abruptly. 
          4) I only want to put out my best possible work and will only post it if I am happy with it. That is the main reason why I take a long time to update. I won't post a chapter that is lacking or isn't the best that it could be. 
          Anyway if you're still here reading this long ass post, thanks!! & thank you to my readers!! { all 40 of you :') } Love you!! 
          xoxoxoxo Rosie