
People who read mating a coyote will be happy to know that I have started my next chapter and I should be done by tomorrow 


If you look at someone and see their perfection and can't see any flaws; why is it that you're expected to look at yourself, who you only see flaws in, and see perfection?
          You don't have to love yourself. You don't even have to like yourself but you just have to know that the people around you. The people who you find near enough perfect love you. Isn't that enough?? 


Just in one of those moods today ✨


this message may be offensive
I don't love you I fucking love you bless your soul...I'm like REALLY tired rn and just thanks for writing all that amazingness <3 <3 
          (you get two hearts because I'm feeling generous) I'm crazy but don't worry that much tis all okay


Thank you. You're so sweet. Don't worry I'm crazy too ✨