
Does anyone make book covers or knows someone who makes them? If so, please reach out to me. I making this Bakugou x Reader x Todoroki and I need someone to make a book cover for me. I really don’t think anyone will read this but still. 


@Iskobot yep! I can wait, you can take all your time! Also, can you message me, so I can tell you the title and stuff? Thank you!


I have some experience. I can’t say it’ll look as pretty as some, but I can give it a go. Although, it may take some time since school will be starting for me soon. Do you mind waiting at most 2 weeks?


Oi!Sou aqui do Brasil,E li sua história de The Promised Neverland...não pense que é um Lixo! pois de tão boa,pessoas de outros países viram sua história<3 não vou lhe apressar,nem nada! Até porque,não é apena o leitor que tem que gostar da História,e sim o Escritor/Autor também.


Hi uh I am so awkward but I read your author note if you have not heard I am inlove with your RayxReaderxNorman book. It really goes with the plot and how the reader is like apart of everything but doesnt mess with the plot makes it better! I hope you find the time to finish it <3


Does anyone make book covers or knows someone who makes them? If so, please reach out to me. I making this Bakugou x Reader x Todoroki and I need someone to make a book cover for me. I really don’t think anyone will read this but still. 


@Iskobot yep! I can wait, you can take all your time! Also, can you message me, so I can tell you the title and stuff? Thank you!


I have some experience. I can’t say it’ll look as pretty as some, but I can give it a go. Although, it may take some time since school will be starting for me soon. Do you mind waiting at most 2 weeks?


Doing these chapters is a pain. Cause I feel like no one is going to read it since I haven’t updated about a month cause I was busy... but at the same time... you never know. Anything can happen. It’s like about to be 12 am... and I’m not even halfway through my chapter.. I have a lot of things that I’m thinking about and I can’t stop them, I can’t wait to tell you guys what I’m thinking about and things that’s happing to my life, stuff like that, so hopefully there will be a chapter tomorrow. Either way, I’ll announce it when it will be coming out, STAY TUNED!! ❤️


@lizzbeek i will read it ! dont worry, if you want to talk to someone, im always free :)


Just went to Tennis Camp today, and I feel so proud of myself cause I was doing so good. But when I came back home I felt like I was dying, no joke. 


@lizzbeek oh, that's good, I am a really lazy person and I cant quite do much physical activity, like for example running 200 meters 4 times leaves me dead on the middle of the 2nd lap


@Karai_Avis I know. But it wasn’t that bad, you know? But at the morning it was fresh but then the sun came out, and it got very hot fast.


@lizzbeek lol, I feel like that after doing any sports


(Literally no one if going to see this)
          It’s like 5 am... probably not going to sleep. Today I was supposed to go to tennis camp but my friend is not going so if i go, it’s not going to be the same so nah.. anyways... as u know.. (if u read my tpn fanfic) I haven’t updated. Let me tell u, I have been busy and I just needed a break on all the things on my life, I’ll explain that later... but good news there will probably be a update today, STAYED TUNED!! (Or not :( 


@lizzbeek u can take ur time and create the chapter cuz all authors also have their own life


*me re-reading it*
            *see a mistake*
            Me: why the hell I put ‘if’ instead of ‘is’?!?!