
If I ever write a Loki Hogwarts AU, Loki is absolutely going to HATE Hogwarts and HATE the Ministry of Magic and HATE the whole Wizarding World system, because no matter how much I like these books, this world is SO dysfunctional it hurts me physically.


If I ever write a Loki Hogwarts AU, Loki is absolutely going to HATE Hogwarts and HATE the Ministry of Magic and HATE the whole Wizarding World system, because no matter how much I like these books, this world is SO dysfunctional it hurts me physically.


guys, i still write, i swear :')
          more specifically, i have a couple of requests and one more story that i work on.
          but it's june. and june means uni finals. and uni finals means lots of studying. and that means i'm exhausted. and i have been tired for some time — months, actually. uni is draining me. not of happiness — i am not depressed, i just want to make this clear. it's just that i want to do things but don't have the time.
          please bear with me. 


i’m sure everyone gets the feeling! sometimes life can be a little bitch and not let us have enough time for things we love doing, but even if that’s happening right now, life will be more kind to you for certain anytime soon (: don’t stress too much and take care <3


Dear readers,
          Just when I said, "ah, my uni exams are over, I shall now write," I got sick. Had a fever of 39°C (102.2°F) which then turned to a slightly hypothermic state of 35.5°C (95.9°F), and since then my body temperature just kind of... changes all the time. 


oh i hope you’ll get well soon!


92 notifications WHAT


@loki_sherlock_loves aww thank you! Sorry tho 


@Marvel-_-3000 yep lmao u do comment a lot haha. pls keep going tho, your comments are so much fun <3 