
Why ru following me... why is anyone following me...


@Dragonsnests i have no idea where you have found them but are some cool pictures.................hope you have good today ^^


@Dragonsnests Because i am too, i have got depressed senses, so I'm going to try and make you happy......... now can you please, please, please, just put more pictures on there, i like them....


WhYyYyYyYy HoW dId YoU fInD oUt???????  hhhHygcjsishebnsnavdhdis


hello i would like to say i really liked "the cute pics on my phone" i would like to see more, if thats not a bother and like you at the being(?) yes you should show us who is showing us the pictures. 
          ( i have no idea if that makes sense, well what i meant was yes please show us who you are...)
          I know you might say no, or something buut would you like to be my friend..... you can say "No!" or "Never talk to me again" im used to that sorta talk from others
          and im sorry if im being weird or strange.......and for this being long.......stop typing....sent it .....did i send it??


@Masked13wolf it's done I will show my face next chapter I post