
I finally have a name for a specific type of people I meet - I call it "Schizarella on twitter"


I mean tbh you're not that great of a person anyway. The only reason why you have people around you is because you can make yourself seem mildly cool and you can make jokes. But in the end not even you can keep them around for long, because besides seeming funny and cool and "having your life together", you don't have much to offer. 
          I mean, maybe you can offer some insight, but really, the people you keep around end up being people who couldn't care less about what you have to say, people who don't care about you enough to pay true attention to your thought process. And the people you push away are the exact people who would hold your values so tenderly and carefully, and defend them in your place.
          You are bad at choosing friends. And the bad choices you made corrupted you. 
          Congratulations, you're facing the consequences of your own actions. Good luck.