

hello all! i am finally back after a year (i believe) and i’m so sorry for the unannounced hiatus. i’ve been getting things together and it’s been hectic. i will be slowly working on updates for glitter, darling, suicide notes, happily ever after, and cheater’s island. i will also be working on bringing both graph paper and Ivy Tear back up. i am also currently working on a new book, broken heart syndrome, which i am really excited for.
          er xx


E!!!!! You put my story on your reading list?!!! OMG ILYSFM!! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT!!!


I know I didn't have to, I wanted to. ILY2
जवाब दें


hey there, er here. aka the author, aka the girl who hasn't updated in months. I apologize and am sorry for this next bit of information. School started 2 weeks ago and I have been bombarded with homework. On top of that, I have a role in my school's play and will be starting rehearsals on Monday. These rehearsals will go on until 5 p.m. After I have left, I will need to do my homework and that will leave no time for me to write anything usable. I am so, so sorry. If I finish all of my homework due on Monday and Tuesday I will work on updating both my books. 
          Signing off,
          er xx