
hello again-its taken me 4 months but i have finally uploaded again! im not sure i like the little chapter ive uploaded so it will probably be edited. i also apologise for it being soo short i literally had a chat with my friend this morning and it gave me a few ideas so i decided to write but it looked alot longer on my phone!:L im thinking about writing again more regularly (which ive so far not stuck to since writing this story) Basically im asking for peoples thoughts&ideas on the story as i have absoloutely none!thankyou for being so patient hehe xxxxx


hello again-its taken me 4 months but i have finally uploaded again! im not sure i like the little chapter ive uploaded so it will probably be edited. i also apologise for it being soo short i literally had a chat with my friend this morning and it gave me a few ideas so i decided to write but it looked alot longer on my phone!:L im thinking about writing again more regularly (which ive so far not stuck to since writing this story) Basically im asking for peoples thoughts&ideas on the story as i have absoloutely none!thankyou for being so patient hehe xxxxx


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so if you haven't all already guessed my new years resolution failed epicly... i havent updated at all in the past couple of months but lets just say since then i've been in7&out of hospital 17 times,been on 4 long weekends away and then been on holiday aswell so i've been extremely busy! i've tried to keep up to date with your updates but thats been really hard when travelling but you've all kept me entertained when i've been in hopital which i thank you for!im going to try my best to catch-up&update this weekend i cant promise you tho:( sorrry for being such a shit person lately, i sowwwy also please reply if you'd like meto carry on with 'Pretty from afar, but far from pretty'?


hey guys:D sorry for not reading any of you new work but i got a new phone and forgot to set my email account up to it!oopsies!but its done now so i have literally devoted my sunday to catching up on EVERYTHING and then uploading more of 'Your Pretty From Afar, But Far From Pretty' sorry for not uploading throughout the week!i seem to always upload on a sunday but hopefully i'll upload during the week aswell!its my new years resolution!love you<3


Hey guys!I forgot to mention when I uploaded but I hope you all had an amazing christmas&new year!I sure as hell did! I know I have messages from some of you but my phone won't let me open them to reply and my laptops in for a repair so if you need me for any reason feel free to text me: 07591412832 or if you have bbm my pin is 278C9929 if you do either please let me know your name so I know who you are and also your name on here because I'm more likely to remeber you by this name:p I have written&checked the next chapter but can't upload on my phone but I should hopefully be able to upload tommorow because my laptop should be repaired but depends if my mum can collect it for me whilst I'm at school aha -love you<3


soo...well i haven't uploaded any more chapters of 'Your pretty from afar, but far from pretty' because i have like 0% feedback on it and i don't feel like anyone's enjoying it:L i know it takes time to gain readers and stuff but can you just have a quick read of it for me please guys and let me know if you like it before i give up on it completely?anything is appreciated guys<3<3