@lounolan Hello love, its been a while since I've imagined your beautiful voice in my mind. And I don't imagine a timbre or a lilt when I think of it; believe it or not, I hear the same poetic words you form when you write. And I don't hear it solely in your writing, I hear it in the short comments/updates you post once a year or so. Although, in my experience, we don't always write the same way we speak, to me, what I hear in your writing is all you.
I meantion this because, a while back, I was re-reading your masterpiece and something clicked. For the first time I felt inspired by something, a feeling I haven't known since I was very young and writing poetry. Reading your story and comments, and hearing your voice in my head again and hearing and seeing your personality through your work, I was inspired to start writing my own story here.
I want to experience putting my personality out on Wattpad like you did, to be an inspiration to everyone because of something I created...
Ok, I'm going to change subject really quickly.
Ok, so I have a belief. Imagine, if you will, that the body, mind and spirit are all separate but connected entities. (Body can't funtion without the mind, mind can't function without the spirit). I was always told that our bodies are just vessels that our souls reside in for the time being, however, when our bodies return to the dust that it came from, our spirits do not die with it because, what animates our minds and bodies are pure energy. And I was always taught that energy doesn't die, but it transfers. Our energy, the energy of our friends and families don't go away, they transfer into another vessel to aninate it and live again. This is reincarnation. And the next generation being born could possibly be housing the spirit of a lost one. Can you image, for a second that that lost one is born into a new body, making an account on Wattpad, and reading Ursa Minor, and hearing your voice through your writing like I do, imagining you