
oof! that one hurt 


hi uhhhh,,,it's been a while? been getting a lot of notifications from this acc lately, saw that some old friends came back and i just......miss everyone a lot. how are you all doing?


( @loveis4hwalls )
            i feel you uGh but i'm good so far! i'm having exams rn so a little bit stressed out but i'll manage! :)


@HALOHANS  omg hi it's been a while!! life's been a bitch but hey gotta do what you gotta do! how are you?


( @loveis4hwalls )
            late and idk if u remember me but HELLO :D it's nice to see you again! hope life's treating you well, love! ♡


should i come back? i'm not sure i have the strength i don't even know if people want me here


@loveis4hwalls NO LUNE!! how are you?? <3


guess the answer is no haha bye


hey are you guys doing? i miss this acc and i really miss all of you so so much...


@RIERACHA rie!! i miss you too!!


i miss you so much :'(


hello. today is my birthday, so i thought it would be the perfect day to post this message. i've been thinking about it a lot, and i've come to the conclusion that i most likely won't come back on here. i'm leaving. i'm sorry for leaving a bunch of applyfics behind, but i can't take it anymore. i'm struggling too much in real life to take care of an account. so that's it, that's the end i guess. i want to thank everyone who's been nice to me through this journey. especially peppa kids, i will never forget you guys, you gave me so much happiness. i wish i could still talk to you but i'm not good enough. i just don't have the strength to do anything anymore. thank you for the memories, and sorry for the notice board notification. i truly hope each one of you has a great time


@loveis4hwalls lUNE !!
            it's alright, honey. i get that you're having a hard time and i'm sorry i couldn't be there for you :( i truly wish you happiness because i know you deserve it. it was nice to knkw you even in this short span of time. and remember, i'll be there even on the other side of the globe, i'm cheering you on :)
            happy belated birthday honey, i love you~♡♡
            (idk if you'll see this but wattpad didn't notify me about your post and i'm mad- :(()


hey guys, i think i'm coming back. i took some time to myself and i feel a bit better (at least less dramatic). sorry for disappearing!


@loveis4hwalls of course! even if we don't know each other very well, i hope you know that you can always come to me! i'm willing to lend a pair of ears whenever you need them! :)


@-musicalbeanie- can't say i'm feeling THE BEST but i'm working my way up there!! thank you for still being here <3


@loveis4hwalls it's okay, really. i hope you're feeling better :/


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
please, i'm begging you, is there someone to listen to my cry for help? there is so much pain in my heart, it hurts so bad, all i want is to harm myself and kill myself and just disappear from this earth. i wish that shitty update wouldn't send notifications for this because i know it annoys everyone and no one gives a fuck but i just need to vent somewhere and idk i really just want to die, i guess this really is a cry for help. i've tried several times to somehow hint that i was in a dangerous state,,, i'm sorry, i'm really annoying, i've just been able to control my suicidal thoughts for all those years but u swear it's getting too hard, i don't think i'll be able to hold on much longer. so maybe this is good bye. maybe i won't live to come back on here. and i hope that doesn't make you mad, i know i'm just letting everyone down. i'm sorry.


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
i'm going on a hiatus because
          1) i'm feeling SO terrible and i just can't function anymore and i just want to die soooo
          2) i'm really not fun when i'm like that so i don't want you guys to have to bear with my shit
          that's it i'll come back if i'm not dead, sorry to the authors of applyfics i'm here, wait for me!! peace