
Hey kittens, I plan to update a fairy tail story and want to know which one you want to see finished first. Pen pal experiment is not included in this as the story is rather close to its end already and will hopefully be finished soon. There are six others I know you guys are still reading so please do an author a favor and pick one for me to finish. I have a few south park ones I'm updating right now, with broken boys having an update that's already halfway done. I'll be updating south park killer after that and hopefully I'll be able to do an update on tweek in life once those are done. As soon as I update those I plan to work on pen pal experiment until its finished before working on another fairy tail story. My plan is to finish off a few fairy tail stories and maybe a few south park ones this year. The harry potter ones will get updated in between the ones I want to finish. At this moment in time no new stories are planned. I want to finish off a few first. Please let me know what stories you want to see finished in the next few months. Thanks as always. Loveless.


@Tmma27 start off with south park killer, in this together, stars, coffee, and silence or the cry. Catastrophe, the broken boys, and tweek in life are rather intense and emotionally destructive. The others will help you switch from the fairy tail stories to the south park ones without feeling like you fell into a different writer's collection. 


@loveless_kitten94 ok those will be my next reads than. 


@Tmma27 you don't really have to be a fan of the show. Yes there are references and yes I take advantage of the anything and everything that can happen does ideal for the town but otherwise it's not really necessary to watch the show to read them. Much like my fairy tail stories, I reference parts of the show but it's not all that important to the story line. They're aus and based more off my life then any of my others. Though I did base a lot of the fairy tail stories off my life.


Hey Kittens, If you can see this, this is my new account. I apologize for the inconvenience the moving of my stories and such has caused but I got locked out of the original account. At the moment, I only have Dragon Bookmark up. I have posted all previous chapters and a new one.  Again, sorry for everything.


Hey pals. I’m sad to say you shouldn’t expect an update for stories anytime soon, at least not on this account. She’s not giving her stories away or anything like that but she isn’t able to access this account anymore due to certain issues regarding her email and such. She’s also struggling with her laptop acting up and it may be a while before she gets it fixed or replaced. The finished stories or ones she’s abandoned will stay on this account. Hopefully soon I can check in and tell y’all her new account. Take care!


@DasBoot18 no it's okay. I figured that out as soon as I started reading the story again. I saw that you need to edit the story. Are you going to do it after you finish the story?


@billweasleyfan-07 yes hun, it's my new account. I have no idea why he's not responding. If you need it verified that I'm Loveless_Kitten94 I can text him and have him respond.


@DasBoot18 is - @Bugaboo94 the new account? Because I went to it and it has the story on there.


I beg you to update dragon bookmark it’s made me laugh it’s made me cry it’s sent me on a roller coaster of fun and emotions


@BoundingLily  Dragon Bookmark is back up under my new account and has been updated. I'm sorry for the wait.


Where did Dragon Bookmark go 
             Please bring it back 


I love your book Dragon Bookmark an I can’t wait for an update. 


@LeannaRash  The story is back up on my new account. I apologize for the wait, but a new chapter has been posted as well.


^^^ its so good


Hey kittens, I plan to update a fairy tail story and want to know which one you want to see finished first. Pen pal experiment is not included in this as the story is rather close to its end already and will hopefully be finished soon. There are six others I know you guys are still reading so please do an author a favor and pick one for me to finish. I have a few south park ones I'm updating right now, with broken boys having an update that's already halfway done. I'll be updating south park killer after that and hopefully I'll be able to do an update on tweek in life once those are done. As soon as I update those I plan to work on pen pal experiment until its finished before working on another fairy tail story. My plan is to finish off a few fairy tail stories and maybe a few south park ones this year. The harry potter ones will get updated in between the ones I want to finish. At this moment in time no new stories are planned. I want to finish off a few first. Please let me know what stories you want to see finished in the next few months. Thanks as always. Loveless.


@Tmma27 start off with south park killer, in this together, stars, coffee, and silence or the cry. Catastrophe, the broken boys, and tweek in life are rather intense and emotionally destructive. The others will help you switch from the fairy tail stories to the south park ones without feeling like you fell into a different writer's collection. 


@loveless_kitten94 ok those will be my next reads than. 


@Tmma27 you don't really have to be a fan of the show. Yes there are references and yes I take advantage of the anything and everything that can happen does ideal for the town but otherwise it's not really necessary to watch the show to read them. Much like my fairy tail stories, I reference parts of the show but it's not all that important to the story line. They're aus and based more off my life then any of my others. Though I did base a lot of the fairy tail stories off my life.


Not sure about the fairy tales but I would love to finish the Dragon Bookmark Charley Weasley/Hermione Granger!


@TamaraCollins4  You can find Dragon Bookmark on my new account with a new chapter added on. I'm sorry for the wait.


@TamaraCollins4 I will update it but not for a while. The fairy tail stories are a couple years old and haven't been updated much recently so I'm gonna try to revive them and finish them. Don't worry, dragon bookmark will get finished.


Serious question, guys, is there still people waiting for updates on the fairy tail stories I haven't finished?


@Bugaboo94 thank youuuuuu no worries


@Popstar_wannabe I will have the unfinished fairy tail stories back up on my new account soon and I promise updates with them. I'm so so so sorry hun


@loveless_kitten94 thank you so much, writing goddess! 


Today I am officially 25. I feel old. 


Happy birthday! Your brain is now fully developed!


Hey kittens, in honor of my 25th birthday this coming Tuesday, I will be taking a request for a story. Please drop your requests down below and I will pick one to write.  Thank you and keep your eyes out for the new chapter of broken boys which will be posted in the next few hours. <3 


@yukiisweird12 let me think on it a few days and I'll do my best. 


@loveless_kitten94 that's fine! A one shot would be good!


@yukiisweird12 I can maybe do a short one shot or something like that for you, but I'm not great at character x reader stories. 


Hey! You’re story Song Shocked is really good! Do you plan on updating it? I hope you do I keep rereading it! I hope you do and keep up the good work!


Awesome! Thanks for letting me know!


@Smitty-Mae if you still wish to read Song SHocked, I'll have it back up on my new account soon and will update it as well. I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long and so often for updates.


That’s okay!  All good stories take time!