
I just hit 200 followers on  my tumblr I have had for 5 days...I'm dying!! You guys should check it out and send me a message on there or on here with your tumblr and I will follow you if you check out some of my imagines!!! My tumblr is


I just hit 200 followers on  my tumblr I have had for 5 days...I'm dying!! You guys should check it out and send me a message on there or on here with your tumblr and I will follow you if you check out some of my imagines!!! My tumblr is


I am so sorry I haven't updated! I fell and my ankle is either fractured or a really bad sprain, so I've been a little busy today. I ell try to upload some new stuff tommorrow.


Nah, that little boy has a key to my heart even when he is causing immense pain! His sister too!


Aww he's the cutest! :D hehe but I'm sure you don't think that very much when he's stepping on you haha


@LoveKahlee As much as I love my little Liam, he is too little to understand not to step all over it....


So I am doing NaNoWriMo and I need you guys to decide which book I will focus on for the month DTL, JD, SF, or ATW. Whichever book gets the most votes by Friday will be updated DAILY the rest, including Burned Away will be updated weekly starting saturday! thanks so much for all the feedback!