Hello there, I'm lovestikes all I really like writing and I hope to get better at it, i would love to one day publish a book but I don't know if that is ever going to happen hehe to all those reading my stories i would love to hear feed back and hey! helpful criticism is always welcome in the writing world it helps develop and  encourage the reader to improve on their work and to make sure their writing is the best that it can be so thank you :D

I love music, and I love to draw and dance as well, i love t.v and I'm all for the mushy romance television shows that take up our t.v time i also love crime shows and hey even a little bit of sci-fi :D
  • Australia
  • JoinedOctober 16, 2012

Story by lovestikesall
I'm Still in love with that jerk, but I'll never tell by lovestikesall
I'm Still in love with that jerk...
Evelyn gathers up all her courage to confess to the most popular guy in school, she convinces herself that it...
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