
Hello folks, I'm so sorry for my long inactivity (once again). I'm trying to be more active, but a lot is going on, so please stay patient with me! I'm trying more from now on though! Promise. Love you all and thank you so much for all your support, votes and lovely comments! Just know I read them all and they truly mean a lot! <3


Hello folks, I'm so sorry for my long inactivity (once again). I'm trying to be more active, but a lot is going on, so please stay patient with me! I'm trying more from now on though! Promise. Love you all and thank you so much for all your support, votes and lovely comments! Just know I read them all and they truly mean a lot! <3


Hi, I am a new author and I really enjoyed you book 'my new pet is an inu' I hoped that you might update it and possibly, if you had time, look at my book? If not I totally understand but if you could you would be my first reader besides myself. I hope you have a perfect day. 
                                            --- a reader.


My new story and first VICTORIOUS fan fiction is out now!!
          I am beyond excited, because it was my absolute favorite show when I was a teen!
          "The manipulation of Cat Valentine" is a mature fan fiction about how Jade uses Cat to make her feel better. If you're into drama as well as psychological manipulation, mental and physical abuse, you will most likely find an interest in it.
          Please do not read this story if you're easily triggered or if you're younger than 18, because it contains sensitive topics and sexual scenes.
          If you do not have a problem with that, enjoy! 


A new chapter of "My new pet is an inu" is finally out! 
          Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for a while again. Life has been way too stressful lately...
          I'll try to update all my stories as regularly as I can, but especially this one, bc it seems to be my most popular one by far!
          Thank you to everyone reading and leaving votes, constructive feedback or just lovely support!
          I appreciate all the reads and support I get and I'm always happy to hear your opinion and get to know some of you lovely people :) 
          Also please don't hesitate to dm me about ideas or  just to chat in general. I'd love to get to know more creative and kind people here on Wattpad! 
          Love you all <3


Hello guys!
          I’m sorry for having been inactive here for a while. I hope that I will be able to invest more time into writing stories starting next month.
          Not to promise anything, but I’m hoping for publishing a new chapter every 1-3 months.
          I haven’t forgotten about any of my works and I’m still planning on continuing them all + publishing more, so stay tuned! 


Please update my new pet is an inu 
          I've fallen in love with it. 
          Thanks for the great books.


I agree; definitely one of the best submission books I've found on Wattpad


            Thanks I need it. It'd really good