
Holy geez, I haven't been here in a while! Life has been crazy and Haven't been writing! how's everyone doing?!  I'll hopefuly get back on track soon, but who knows? Holiday season is approaching.


Honestly?  I’m struggling. I want to self publish. Who else has done this? Did you pay an editor first? I have one of my books in particular that I want to focus on. 
          So many books not enough time!
          New book “where the wild flowers grow” is going to be posted soon! 


@lrm2323 I did it a long time ago with iUniverse. If you're willing to do all the work and really hustle to promote it, it might be worth it, I don't know how much time you have. I didn't, and it never went anywhere. One good thing about it is the initial outlay is relatively small, but you're also buying your own books for promotional purposes. They do a pretty good job of putting the book together, but they don't do the editing.


@lrm2323 I've done it. It's a specific process. A lot goes into it, but not too much.



My life has been so crazy since April!! I'm writing as much as I can and posted often but I'm not getting alot of reads! Any tips or getting my books out there more?


@lrm2323 That's the million-dollar question... many "how to get reads on WP books" have been written, but I don't think there is a perfect formula. Pick genres that are popular - but somehow be different enough to be noticed. Post new stuff regularity, write well, and interact. I think those are the keys. Oh, and get lucky, I guess :-D