
Hi guys, i just published a new story! i hope you guys like it!!


Hey, cutie ^^
          I was wondering if you'd like checking out my current book. It's a Taehyung fanfiction called "Lullabies". Thanks in advance, I hope u have a great day/night ♡ I hope we can good friends ♡♡♡
          If you will, then don't forget to vote/comment/support/follow me if you want & I'll follow back from my other account ^^
          Here's the link:


Hello there! It is I, Thor, son of Odin! And also "thanatophobia" author! 
          I just came here to say, i am aware of my typos and mistakes I might give during my chapters. Well, english is not my native language, but i really wanted to write this story in english. I will try my best to revise the already published chapters.
          Right now, I am writing a couple stories at the same time and studying for my chinese exam. I will update "thanatophobia" as soon as possible and edit the previous chapters. Please do forgive my mistakes and chapters! I hope you all enjoy this story as much as i do while i am writing it!
          I love you all and thank you for your support! 
          I will give best!
          Love all, 