
I'm back for good


Assalamualaikum akak orang Malaysia ke
          (Greeting are you Malaysian?)


@user70909176 awk pm la dulu akak tak jumpa inbox sbb bukk guna site je bkn app
            Adalah 7+ thn lbih tp skrg dh jarang


@user70909176  akak dah drawing anime berapa tahun dah?
            Sambung dekat pm je la


i'm so disappointed, really. wattpad now has become a paid app. stories now are paid if you wanna read them. only few early chapters can be read, free. i understand if writers want to make money out it but can't they like make a published version and let the one in app free for readers? something like that. if i could buy tons of book i won't even bother to read online. my point is not everyone afford to buy or pay. 


@luceveblack Wattpad profitable for "Promoting our book"
            Said we write a book and reader like, we can write more book until we feel our audience larger
            When reach certain point we could write our "real book" ask them to buy theme as "support"
            Wattpad is best way to build audience as long we Didn't aim to write for money
            But yes some author just want quick money by applying ads monetization
            It's pretty meh I said


Hi there! I just LOVE your art! I like to draw anime too but to be honest, I'm just not happy with my work. How did you learn to draw so well??? :D


@luceveblack Hi! I don't have an Instagram account so is it possible if we can PM on Wattpad? :D