
Fake friends - Have never seen you cry
          Real friends - Cry with you
          Fake friends - Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
          Real friends - Keep your stuff for so long they forget its yours 
          Fake friends - Know few things about you
          Real friends - Could write a book about you
          Fake friends - Would knock on your front door
          Real friends - Walk right in and say I'M HOME
          Fake friends - Will help you when you fall over
          Real friends - Will jump on top of you and shout Doggy pile
          Fake friends - Are for a while
          Real friends - Are for life
          Fake friends - Will read this 
          Real friends - Will copy and paste this, just like I did
          Fake friends - Say “love ya” jokingly.
          Real Friends - Say, "I love you" and mean it.
          Fake Friends - Will sit with you after a breakup and say, "I'm sorry."
          Real Friends - Will call them and ask what their problem is before devising a plan to destroy them.
          Fake Friends - Will read this.
          Real Friends - Will steal this.


Hey, hi! Don't hate me. Scroll down a LOT!!! A LOT!!!
          Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least fifteen people in this world love you.
          The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
          There are at least two people in this world that would die for you.
          You mean the world to someone. Someone you don't even know exists loves you ♡
          When you think the world has turned it back on you, take a look.
          Always remember the compliments you've received.
          Forget the rude remarks. So if you are a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person that sent it to you (a.k.a.) me
          Tonight at midnight, your true love will realize they like you
          Fight for you
          Respect you
          Encourage you
          Need you
          Save you
          Send this message to all of your friends 


@luciferandchloe2021 Thank you for the views and votes on my Divergent/Arrowverse analysis! I truly appreciate the support! 
          Btw, since you've been such a kind fellow Flash fan to me over these last few months and left so many wonderfully sweet comments on my work, I'd love to write a project (whether oneshot, recreation, or something else), that would specifically be of your choice at some point! If you have ideas, no pressure, of course :)
          (Aside from the baby shower from episode six of season nine, though, because I'm actually already working on a multi-part mini oneshot series about that babymoon adventure Barry and Iris took with a fellow writer and CANNOT wait to release at some point ♡)


@AgentofDreams989 De Nada estarei aguardando...❤️⚡️