
Hello, all!  I have finally (FINALLY!) updated PF:DoT.  I've recently started my career (whoa, that sounds weird and grown-up-y) and found it a lot harder to find time to write.  Still, I really want to get it done, so while I have a little extra time in the summer, I'll get as much out as possible.  I hope I can entertain you a little this summer! :)  As always, thanks for reading! :)


Hello, all!  I have finally (FINALLY!) updated PF:DoT.  I've recently started my career (whoa, that sounds weird and grown-up-y) and found it a lot harder to find time to write.  Still, I really want to get it done, so while I have a little extra time in the summer, I'll get as much out as possible.  I hope I can entertain you a little this summer! :)  As always, thanks for reading! :)


Whelps, I don't want to impose on your writer's space of spacey-ness, but I have come to inquire of your progress on the editing of Potter's Field and the production of Potter's Field: Dimensions of Time. It's been over a year since I've heard of anything posted, and I was just wondering about the possibility of an update? Even to just know you're not dead? You're one of my favorite Wattpad authors, and I'd just like to know you're okay. ^-^


@thewolvespet You are incredibly lucky to have posted this just now cuz this is first time I've checked my profile in, like, a year!  I have been trying to get the first book published, but it hasn't caught anyone's interest's a little depressing actually....BUT THE SECOND - what you're really interested in:)  I LOVE the story of the second.  It's been running around, being edited and put together in my head forever...yes, everything takes me forever cuz I'm lazy and have no real talent...*sigh* But the second will be awesome!  Your comment makes me want to sit down right now and write the whole dang thing!  Ooh, I feel the fighting spirit!  HIYAH!  Hopefully I can get you something soon!  Thank you so much for your post:)
            P.S.  I was dead, but turns out zombification is real!  Maybe that's why my brain isn't


Just wanted to say that I hope you successfully edited Potter's Field. I hope you didn't encounter any problems :( That would suck. Well, we're still waiting for book 2, but what about book 1? When it's edited, are you are publish it as an eBook? That would be awesome, cause I'd totally buy that.


@PhyschoBob Hello!  Sorry I disappeared for so long!  I actually got a new job and moved to a place that doesn't have internet (I know, shocking that such a place exists) so I haven't been able to do much on Wattpad.  I came to the library and saw that you posted this wonderful message!  How sweet:)  I am still editing the first Potter's Field and working out plot kinks in the second.  Editing is the worst process ever!  Lol:)  I'm hoping Santa will drop a satellite internet thing-a-ma-jig (I know, very technical), and I can get the second coming.  Thank you for the encouragement!  I'll do my best to live up to your expectations:)


So.... Potter's Field's sequel... What's up with that? Just curious. I know it hasn't been that long since you finished the first one *Great book, btw... Great style of writing. Great plot. Great characters. Overall greatness. Best fantasy I've read on Wattpad so far.,* so you're probably editing that and stuff right now, but just looking for a little update on when you're gonna jump into the sequel *whistles awkwardly*  and stuff... (._ . )


Viruses. Yea, hate those little digital gremlins. I understand what's that like. And thanks a million for the update, just wanted to know what was up. Hope everything works out and I'm super excited for it! And hey, great writing is a process. There's no rush, you're a slow - but excellent - writer, and I'm a patient reader sooo... Yea... That works out! Hope you work through the bugs and get the story into working words and sentences. I'm a writer too, so I know how difficult that can sometimes... But yea, I'm here to inspire when I can! Wish you good luck with this story!


OMG!  You are so sweet!  I am seriously sitting here freaking out because you said that!  *grins from ear to ear* Okay, here's the deal - my computer has been freaking out at me over the last couple months (viruses and the like) so editing has been a huge, terrible mess, but I did get quite a bit done.  I've now posted the latest, edited version of the first Potter's Field.  Now, for the sequel...I've got a basic outline going, and I know exactly what's going to happen...which means I totally suck because I just can't figure out how to get it down on paper coherently!  Kicking myself for my lack of skills!  Here's a plus that summer's coming up, I will totally have more time to write!  Yay!  I hope I can get more for you guys who have stuck with me, but be warned, I'm a horribly slow writer. And after that huge comment (hey, I like the look of my own words - writer here) I sign out with a grateful bow! *bows*  You have inspired me to get my butt in gear!


Aw thank you, I'm glad I could help. :D And I hear you have finished it? CONGRATS! That's a great big accomplishment, I applaud you. :D


Well, I guess 'finished' is a relative term, lol:)  EDITING AND REVISING TAKES FOREVER!!!!  *sigh* if only I could vomit it out in perfectly beautiful sentences!  Thank you so much, and I'm glad you helped, too!  Certainly made my job easier:)


AND IT'S FINISHED!!!  I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!  POTTER'S FIELD IS ACTUALLY DONE!!! (except for copious amounts of editing and revising still to be done)  I'm so happy.  Thank you all for reading!  XD


@luckystarz6090 You're so very welcome! It was just simply amazing. And like @KindlingDragonsFire said, if you ever get it published, let me know and I'll be sure to buy it too! :D


@luckystarz6090 That's awesome! Good work. I need to catch up, but I can already tell it's shaping up to be a gorgeous piece of work. I could rant all day about how much like this, but that would go past the word limit... which is sad.
            I really do hope you can get it published (But if you do land a publishing deal, tell me. Seriously. I need to preorder a copy because I just... I need to have it. It's just crazy amazing)


@arty_writes *sniff, sniff* thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you!


Whew!  And Chapter Sixteen is completed - all ten parts of it posted!  Two more to go!  I think I will get the entire thing up by tomorrow night!  This last chapter was a lot of fun!  I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it:)