
i love how kids are just supposed to respect their parents even though respect is supposed to be a two way street and parents should let their kids speak without basically being told to shut up, and then they have the nerve to act why you're upset like they're not the whole reason you are (btw this is just about my mom not my dad and i'd feel guilty making it so vague that you'd think it's about both parents bc my dad is actually reasonable and let's me speak without snapping at me or cutting me off,  but he's asleep rn so i'm stuck with my mom being this way on my own)


i love how kids are just supposed to respect their parents even though respect is supposed to be a two way street and parents should let their kids speak without basically being told to shut up, and then they have the nerve to act why you're upset like they're not the whole reason you are (btw this is just about my mom not my dad and i'd feel guilty making it so vague that you'd think it's about both parents bc my dad is actually reasonable and let's me speak without snapping at me or cutting me off,  but he's asleep rn so i'm stuck with my mom being this way on my own)


eternally sad bc i don't have a cute hockey player bf :/


yeah haha i mean the level doesn't matter as long as they play and i'm now jealous of you lol


@lukey_irwie  My boyfriend plays hockey at his school but not professionally.. Plus he's hot so is he a Hot Hockey Player Boyfriend?


@HazzaUnderLou i forgot to add this but yeah i love hockey and i love boys so like a combonation of the two would be the best thing


Here's a lil sneak peak of the halloween fic I'm currently editing :-) 
          It happened on a Friday night, Luke and his best friend Michael were walking back to Michael’s from a party drunk off their asses and possibly even second-hand stoned, well at least Luke was only second hand. Michael had a joint but Luke wasn’t really into that life so he politely declined which everyone was fine with but even if he didn’t smoke any he was bound to get somewhat high from breathing in the air of the smoke filled room. 
          So Luke was basically crossfaded walking in the dark and Michael definitely was. It was a stupid idea as Michael’s house was so far from where the party was held and there’s a dark desolate road they’d have to take to get to Michael’s. If they were sober they wouldn’t have done it but they were far from it and at the time it seemed like a great idea, Michael even claimed it would be ‘an adventure’.
          They were on the aforementioned road when Luke saw something streak in front of them and he felt a rush of cold air. Startled the blonde quickly turned to his dark-haired friend who seemed unphased.


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SGFG IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL I LOVE EVERY SONG SO MUCH, IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I HAVE EVER HEARD I LOVE 5SOS SO MUCH, if i had to pic favs tho they'd be castaway and airplanes bc they go so hard, but i also love catch fire and vapour and outer space, but ofc i love the others too