
I have some narration of bbb story, bbrpa pvt sih. If you want to read it and not following my twitter yet, you can dm me. I don't want to promote it in my VP story


I am writing  story of vegaspete rn. The first one is abt vegas and pete working together (like chapter 1), another one is romantic scene (make out n blablabla)
          I will post the first one here, and the other one on my twitter (privatter)
          Ohh the first one will be posted when KPTS end


Permisi kak
          Mohon ijin mau nawarin buku di teras rumah kakak bentar boleh kak?
          "Sip boleh santai aja gapapa kok ndak usah sungkan"
          Ya ampun, makasih banyak kak
          Silakan mampir ya kak
          Semoga menghibur : )


@ airmurni  ahahaha aku ngakak sama cara kamu nulis ijin  receh bgt gue