
Hello! Wanted to give a quick shout out to my Watty peeps. I have a new book out now if you want to check it out. "Roads Unpaved" in the Power Loss anthology: https://www.blkdogpublishing.com/power-loss


HAPPY FRIDAY, my wattys. Hope your weekend is kicking off right. Please comment and review on my latest installment of Seeds of Change.
          Does anyone work with Canva consistently? Been making my own graphics for this story and have found it pretty enjoyable.  Comment and let me know. TTYL!


Thank you so much for your comments and votes on "Broken Homes" !! :) I appreciate it, thank you, thank you!!


@coyjay No problem! I liked reading it. Keep your story rolling and I hope you will be able to check out some of mine in the future.


Hey everyone, been posting pretty consistently on Friday nights. Would love it if you could come check out the new chapters I have up on Seeds of Change. Any and all feedback is welcome (even critical! It helps me grow as a writer). 
          Also, I've been experimenting with making my own graphics. So please tell me what you think of those too.
          Thanks and have a great weekend guys!


Hello! Just wanted to give a quick shout that I finished my first chapbook on Wattpad. Please come comment and give me feedback. Every little drop counts.
          Also, I have a new project in the works that will be hitting Wattpad soon. Who's in to sci-fi?? 
          Leave me your thoughts in the thread.