hey friends. the past few months have been really hard for me and there’s been a lot of financial stress. without getting to deep into it, i found out my cat had bone cancer and i just had to unexpectedly put her down today. she was quite literally my baby and i am doing so terribly rn. i know u guys really want new chapters and fics, but idk when i’m gonna get around to it. tbh this is gonna go one of two ways, i’m either gonna completely abandon this account for another month or two, or it’s going to be coming my singular way of coping. i just wanted to let you guys know bc there’s been an influx in people asking where i’ve been. anyways, hug your fur babies for me and know that i’ll be back to writing eventually, i’m just not sure when yet <3

@lyzard_fan_fics I wish you well! :< Take as much time as you need, just take care of yourself, okie?

@lyzard_fan_fics wishing you well! Your an amazing writer and an even better person! Thank you for taking the time to inform us and I hope everything works out in your favor. I'm so sorry your baby passed away so unexpectedly but I want you to know the world works in plenty of ways, and although we don't particularly like it it takes one second to change somebody's life forever. So make every second count. If the world ever feels like it's too much or you simply just wanna chat I'm always available.