
I want you to know you are an amazing person     • U • 
          Once you have read this message please consider sending it to 15 other people. If u get three back you are loved! 
          None knows how important something is until they loose it. 
          If this game actually works lol than the person who loves you most will realize they love you a minute before midnight. 
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm the next day be prepared for the shock of your life. 
          If you break this chain you will have bad luck
          (I randomly got sent this and don't really know what's going on lol. Have fun!) 


@ xL0stS0ulx  aw man, that's the most threatening way someone told me that I'm not that bad lol.  "You're amazing but if you don't repost you're gonna have bad luck." But still, thank you! :) 