
Hey guys, 
          	Thank you so much for all the Birthday wishes. I'm truly overwhelmed. You're all sooo sweet! Also please don't worry about being late in wishing me. My birthday is actually tomorrow. I appreciate all the love very much you guys ❤
          	And my thank you gift to you all will of course be your long awaited update.
          	|Chapter 27: When Darkness Falls|
          	Coming: Today
          	I will update in about an hour or so. I sincerely hope you like it. 
          	Also, if you do like it, PLEAS PLEASE do vote and comment. Especially my dearest silent readers, if you enjoy my work please do consider voting. It doesn't take much effort but it helps me out tremendously. 
          	Again, thank you for your patience. 
          	Until later today,  
          	All my love, 


I was missing zuerien and suzannah so much, hence I’m going to read the story once again. No story has ever touched me like this story. May, i really hope you are fine and if you ever read this, i want to tell you that you are an amazing writer. Please publish this story one day for all your fans. We’ll be waiting.


Hey May, I don't know if you will ever read these messages but I'm leaving my message too. I hope and pray for your well-being as long as I'm alive. 
          Just know, no matter what, we are here for. If you ever need any help, we'll be here. You just have to say the word.