
"Mitsuki-kun, a pleasure. How has your team been, your parent?"


"Not annoy me, no. It was... boring, after a time. I wished to spill some blood, take back my place in the bingo book. After all, my bounty has dropped considerably. All the way from 46,000,000 to 35,000,000. Equivalent to Asuma-sensei's old bounty." He frowned.


            "You joined the ANBU?" Mitsuki's eyes widened, "Did the class any you that much?"


"I am of normal health, and I joined the ANBU. The reason was to... wet my hands a bit, as it had grown rather stifling, teaching student after student in a classroom. In time, I will return, but for now-" He gave a small shrug. "It is... nice, to be back in the field. Although I do have to do everyone else's paperwork when I am not. I do hope they will not fail too badly when I go back. Have you had any interesting missions lately?"