
this message may be offensive
He's a liar
          	Just like Jay
          	Just like my father 
          	"I've been through 10 times more pain" 
          	Newsflash hunny, you're not the only fucking one that's had a shitty life, you're a so fucked up? I can't believe I feel for a fucking liar, again. 


this message may be offensive
He's a liar
          Just like Jay
          Just like my father 
          "I've been through 10 times more pain" 
          Newsflash hunny, you're not the only fucking one that's had a shitty life, you're a so fucked up? I can't believe I feel for a fucking liar, again. 


Why am I still awake? 
          Oh right, waiting for jack so I can tell him we can face time today if he gives me his goddam number, I wanna see his beautiful face :'( 
          Smh he probably won't give it to me and imma be like
          I'm a clingy bitch