
Hi guys, due to some unfortunate events. I will stop posting books and chapters for the time being. I don't know when will I return so please don't go get your hopes up. I had fun reading your comments, sadly I can't reply to all of it. 
          	I just wanted to say, thank you all for being my safe place.....
          	Lots love,
          	Mae Qin


@maeqin Hi dear, it is sad to see you go. Please take your time. Will wait for your return 


Hi guys, due to some unfortunate events. I will stop posting books and chapters for the time being. I don't know when will I return so please don't go get your hopes up. I had fun reading your comments, sadly I can't reply to all of it. 
          I just wanted to say, thank you all for being my safe place.....
          Lots love,
          Mae Qin


@maeqin Hi dear, it is sad to see you go. Please take your time. Will wait for your return 


Haiiii, my loves! I am finally back, forgive me due to my lateness. I promised that I'll be back at 1st week of March but I just came late. 
          The reason if you may ask?  I forgot may password hehe I am truly sorry (|T|~|T|). Anyways I'm already back. Thanks for your patience.
          xoxo, Mae Qin<3


@Vlexeria thank you! well, I did ace my chemistry but I failed statistics hehe. But math didn't chose me so yeaahh ^3^ lol


@maeqin yay! Welcome back  Hope you did well on your exams! No hurry for updates just glad youre back and remebered your password haha 