
Happy birthday, Charlotte!


Hey everyone! I've decided to put Beginning on hold for a little bit while I get some more chapters written. I hope to get some more written as it is winter break and I'll have plenty of free time. Thanks so much for being patient! I love you all!


Sorry for all the confusion on updates not being there. Wattpad updated and now the "publish" button is in the spot the "save" used to be in. I keep accidentally publishing an unfinished part, so I unpublish it right away. Sorry again. I'll try to update soon. 


1K views on Found! I'm not sending this out to brag so much as to thank you all! I love you so much! I never thought I'd come this far and things like this make me so happy. I love reading your comments and such and knowing that people enjoy reading what I love writing. You guys are all so amazing and I love you so much! Thank you <3


Tomorrow I will finally be done with summer school (yay! And no, I wasn't behind, I did it to get ahead). Because of that, I will be updating Beginning tomorrow (usual time, 4:00 PM, US western time) but it will be slow updating after a few chapters. Sorry for the long wait! I love you guys!