
/ i heard vampires are coming back to rp! cb for one liners while i revamp! 


late but pls


*       u gotta stop i want to lick this account PICK ME DROP ON ME !!!!!!!!! [on hands and knees]


/   pretty please


/ i heard vampires are coming back to rp! cb for one liners while i revamp! 


late but pls


*       u gotta stop i want to lick this account PICK ME DROP ON ME !!!!!!!!! [on hands and knees]


/   pretty please


Satan had been in the middle of a particularly vexing matter in Hell, dealing with a dispute between two of his most ambitious demons. His crimson eyes blazed with annoyance as he tried to maintain control of the situation. Just when it seemed the argument was reaching a climax, an accidental incantation, muttered by an amateur warlock on Earth, tore his attention away from the infernal squabble.
          With a frustrated sigh, Satan found himself abruptly transported to a cluttered and dimly lit basement on Earth. His imposing presence, clad in his grumpy demeanor, stood out starkly amidst the mess of books, candles, and strange symbols drawn on the floor.
          "Are you kidding me?" Satan grumbled, his tone laced with irritation. He glared hatefully at the person who invoked him. The Prince of Darkness was in no mood for this unscheduled detour, and he waited for an explanation, his patience wearing thin.


id: @hellsovereign- 
            “ i’m not an idiot… i’m aware that this paint won’t last forever and that your demons would find you soon, but surely my company hasn’t been that / terrible /. ” the vampire playfully responds, looking into his crimson hues that held so much irritation. 
               she couldn’t help but be in awe of him, for a moment though, he was so tall and beautiful– it nearly clouded her judgement and made it impossible for her to think. however, she still knew better than to make a genuine deal with the devil himself, the stories she read, the stories she heard, were enough to make her mind clearer and ignore the feigned desire in his bright eyes. 
                 “ i would like a sign to be left that you were here… something that no one could deny– and something that only you could do. my sisters would never believe me if i told them that i summoned / you / on my very first try— but if i showed them. ”


            Satan's irritation deepened as he observed the vampire's audacity. She was certainly fearless, if not somewhat foolhardy, to challenge him in this manner. However, he couldn't deny that he found her daring spirit intriguing.
            With a condescending smirk, he replied, "Oh, I'm sure you could keep me here for a while, but that won't be to your benefit. I am the Lord of Hell, after all, and my absence is rather problematic for the denizens of my domain."
            Satan's crimson eyes bore into Juliette's with a hint of seduction, mixing with his grumpy demeanor. "But since you're so bold, perhaps we can strike a deal. What do you desire, vampire? Name your price for my release, and we'll see if it's something worth considering." Satan was willing to play along, for now, intrigued by the challenge presented by this unassuming summoner.


id: @hellsovereign- 
            even though his words stirred her, she couldn’t help but feel proud of herself. maybe even an idiot could summon a demon but just how many could summon the devil himself and draw their traps so carefully he couldn’t escape. her lips purse as she steps closer, fingers carefully hovering over the field where the trap was, she couldn’t help but smile a little. 
              she bites it back as his voice raises. “ and if i don’t… let you go just yet? ” a curious lilt in her tone, eyes challenging him yet still soft in her glance. to say she wasn’t even a little frightened would’ve been a lie, but she couldn’t let that stop her from keeping him here even for a moment. 
               “ what’s in this for me? ”


is there a reason you think I / wouldn’t / notice you following me ? 


            (             a soft ,     irritated growl left her lips when the blonde found a way to ,      yet again ,        defend herself.         frustrating as it was ,      she had a point .               )              again ,     I turn back to the fact that I wasn’t the one with a barely breathing corpse at my feet .          / you / were ,     hence why I felt the need to grab a stake .      I don’t apologise for that .             
                      (            eventually , the redhead would blink ,    somewhat surprised     ,      and perhaps a little flustered , not that she would dare to admit it ,           at juliette’s comment about flattery .         )              right .          (            a hum of disbelief escaped her ,      followed by a humoured roll of her eyes once again       ,       taking her glare to stare at her empty glass instead .         ) 
                      and on those rare occasions ,    why feel the need to kill at all , when it can be avoided completely ?         that man certainly wouldn’t have lived to tell the tale had I not been there to stop you from draining him dry .     / did / you lose control ,      or was it something else entirely ?             (           her silvery hues squinted slightly as she observed the other female carefully and skeptically once again ,     trying to decipher if she truly was a threat or not .           )          


id: @lunarhunts 
            last time i ran into a werewolf i got bit and nearly died. should i take the same / precaution / against you? * the woman asks, head tilted to the side with a smile, that didn’t actually happen, she met very few werewolves but she was attempting to prove a point. at her comment, she shrugs, taking a sip of her drink * if i were trying to flatter you i’d use a different word than pretty. beautiful— / striking / especially with that scar. * she sets down her drink biting back a chuckle. her question taking her aback for a moment * / unfortunately /, i can’t speak for every vampire, only myself and i do. i meant what i said, i drink from blood bags every few days most of the time and i don’t feed to kill often.


            just a precaution .     the first time I ever hesitated with a vampire ,     I got a pair of fangs digging into my neck as a result.    and in my defence ,     you had a dead body at your feet .     what was I supposed to think ?          (           the redhead added , tapping her fingers on the countertop . juliette was lucky that her victim was still alive .       a slight scoff left alana’s lips at juliette’s last statement , shaking her head slightly as she picked up her drink again .       )         pretty face huh ?      what , you have a thing for scars ?       convenient .      you do realise that flattery won’t help me trust you any further , right ?         (        she shot the other a look ,     obviously unimpressed .        )          do you vampires seriously have no self control ?     