you'll be asking, 'was it good, was it good?' because all I really will indulge upon having countered your way will be a solemn half smile - half, for it's enviably not up to terms with what you wish to see, and my actions come along disposed in a manner only that's to be seen as temptingly leering in regards to wishing that you'd be a witness to more. its sudden because you become a learner now to never knowing where to stop with this newfound desire, and I've just about grown to be your vice, and rehab is long ways from ever settling into your pretty, lonely mind until it's far too late, and you've turned into a lover of all things unattainable. you're now a masochist, and I'm just the devil too sad for you.
  • literate, and sardonically solemn.
  • JoinedJuly 4, 2016