
I miss my mama,I wish she would talk to me *cries* it hurts so much,idk,maybe I'm just being to clingy and needy....idk mean that always why people leave me. Because I'm never good enough.....


I need help,I have a mdlg question but my mama reads these I think so I'm almost scared to ask but I need to ask. So I know my mama loves me and I love her but she never texts me. I always have to text her but I know she has more important things than me but sometimes she won't text me for days until I text her. Am I being greedy for wanting her to text me like once a day just so I know she is there for me? Or should I just stop texting her until she texts me because I don't want to bother her but I'm scared. What if I wait for her to text me and she dosent and she forgets about me? I don't know,maybe I'm being paranoid....sorry for bothering you guys. I'll just leave this at this.