
this new update is actually growing on me, wattpad is doing IT! we just need a night mode feature for the night readers so our eyes don’t get so strained


HELLO readers/followers/friends!
          I'm 12 days late but Happy New Year! I hope 2019 is great to you guys, and is filled with blessings and adventures!! <3 Anyways, I'm sorry I haven't updated "Web of Secrets" my Peter Parker fanfic, I've just been STUCK on it but am working on continuing it. & I'm also working on "Nightfall Mirage" sorry for not being consistent but one of my resolutions is to change that so soon I'll be annoying you guys with updates/new chapters! 
          Lastly, I've been really needing more books to read. Whenever I go into Barnes & Nobles I always go straight to the Fantasy and the YA Fiction shelves and another one of my resolutions is to venture out when it comes to books. So it would help a lot if you guys would recommend me some of YOUR favorite books/authors, so comment them down below and I challenge you to try it out as well! Ask friends irl and online to recommend you some stuff, you never know when/how you'll find your next favorite book! A hidden gem! <3
          Love you guys !! XOXO


to my “web of secrets” readers, so so sorry for not updating in what feels like years but i promise an update will come soon and they will come regularly. i’m just trying to refigure out where i want the story to go, and how i’ll get it there. thanks for being patient with me, and currently working on the next chapter for you so expect it up soon! (: 


to my “web of secrets” readers,
          i’m sorry i haven’t updated. my dad and i just moved into my aunt and uncles apartment, we drove all the way down from the san francisco area so i’ve been tired and trying to get used to not being in my own home. this is only temporary though, we’re waiting for my mom and brother to come down in a few months to move into a new house.
          but anyways, there will be an update on Saturday September 29th so keep an eye out ! thank you for being patient with me, and sticking by “WOS” <3 


idk if anyone will see this but i won’t do those “read 4 read” or “vote 4 vote” things bc i want my readers to come to my story on their own.
          like i could care less about how many votes or reads i get, as long as there are people actually reading and enjoying what i write that’s all that matters to me tbh.