
I will go back into my Spirit Series and will be heavily editing and rewriting the series. Not a lot of changes will happen. It will still be the same story. I will be adding some foreshadowing and clearing up some plot points that were made but not followed.


I will go back into my Spirit Series and will be heavily editing and rewriting the series. Not a lot of changes will happen. It will still be the same story. I will be adding some foreshadowing and clearing up some plot points that were made but not followed.


For those reading or who have read my Young Justice Series {WARNING SPOILERS FOR BOOK TWO}, I would like to know if you would like to have a Book that has a series of One-Shots of moments and events that have happened before Book One (like Hal finding Marie falling from the Sky; Marie meeting the various sidekicks at the time), and during the time skips between Season One and Two (Dick and Marie getting together; Alya's introduction; Eiram becoming Earthquake; Alya and the Six getting powers), Two and Three (Jenna getting the ring; Some of Alya's and Jenna's training; Marie traveling the multiverse)?  Let me know I will love the feedback :)