
Hey its been a while and is anyone still using this website?


hey im back after how long idk a cant track time dumbies also ye I have a new waifu cause I'm still single and will die alone llol I will wecom anyone who wants to talk and express their feeling to us/ me and yes I wanna be your therapist but I cant spell crap so welp bye and say hi to everyone ok? ( you better do it or I will just do nothing  idk I'm bored)


hello !
          how ’ re you ?
          btw i ’ m sorry for you being kicked from acrilia yesterday ^^”
          - dad


@cenvyy as if im leaving anytime soon homie
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            n i c e
            i thought you left ngl
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by law, you are my new son.
          hi, i'm your mama along with any existing mamas you have already.
          you'd better behave, child.
          or you'll get the chancla treatment...