
New part out


Yooooooo let’s go


Hey y'all.
          I'll be making a brand new account shortly.
          This is because I do not longer wish to be much related to ES, since I wanna create my own alone stories. 
          You can find my new account shortly which will be named 
          Thanks for supporting the content I made at the time, but I have to move on from that, if you still wish to support my upcoming stories you can do so by following the new account I make and reading the new stories I make.


@mariooonnn11 this is the new account by the way. Just leaving it here


this message may be offensive
          Holy actual fucking hell.
          I legimately LEGITIMATELY having the most trouble thinking of some entities for that infinite hotel thing. I genuinely can't think of anything decent.
          So for the meantime I'll go back to doing electric warrior AU while I get some ideas for entities to keep you guys slightly updated.


For anybody wondering about why the next part of my new story is taking so long
          It's because Its being quite hard to think of creatures for the story. (Who would've guessed?)
          + School is being complete ️


            Creature idea I guess
            He would probably just chase 'em and if you do get tagged by tag...well you got as long as it took him to tag you before you commit die and you would have to tag him back then he'll have the time limit and when it reaches 0 he disappears
            This seemed more like a monster idea for the creators of doors but eh
            Idk I feel like this would make a good monster for a chapter I guess-