
not changing my theme or anything because i'm lazy and i don't use this app enough to bother about it, but i hope you all know that i don't support him anymore, peace!


@strawverymilktae Jae, former member of Day6. He has done multiple problematic things but the one that really blew his career was when he called Jamie Park a “thot”, you can search what that word mean by yourself because i dont really feel comfortable saying the meaning.


@strawverymilktae i think it was about jae


I’ve said this too many times that I hate myself for existing and I only feel better and forget because of my friends because of bts, infinite, and the boyz, and because of my dream that’s the only reason I keep holding on and mostly because I still do somewhat believe in god


@ strawverymilktae  hum hi? I just read the text u post here, and oh well I can't rlly relate... but still I wanted to somehow cheer u up? In fact me too I believe in God, and well we don't know each other, but I just hope ure okay, and that ure holding on.. ♡ 


I’m trying to be positive but I’m so weak. How can I be positive when I’m so weak even if I try to be grateful like right now I’m grateful that I’m not hurt that my mom isn’t hurt but in my heart I wish more than anything I’d be stronger if I cannot escape


I really hope so too honestly it’s partly my fault because I was arguing with my mom because she kept accusing me and guilt tripping me and I just—she was driving because it was her turn on the green light but a car speeded across us and hit our car