
I have deleted all of my good crap and kept the trash. Why have I done this? 


There Is no turning back after you read this. Trust me this will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you (including me). The only reason someone should ever hate you is because they want to be like you. There are two types of people in this world, either of which that are with you or against you (don't worry i'm with you).
          You mean everything to someone. Someone you might not even expect loves you! When you make a mistake, something good will always come from it even if you don't know it. Always remember the compliments someone has given you and ignore the rude remarks! Always remember you are loved no matter what. You can do incredible things Calica all you have to do is put your mind to it.
          F- fight for you
          R-respect you
          l-involve you
          N-Need you
          E-encourage you
          D- Deserve you
          Remember no matter what happens you will always have someone in your corner and i'm always open to talk


Hi do you have in plans updeating hicstrid stories such as "Why?" Or "Say you'll see me again"?


@ marshmellow_pillow  No need to apologize it is your work. Thanks for answer


@Dobek4 I do have plans to update, but I'm afraid I'm just not in the right mindset these days, so it may take a while. I'm sorry for the delay