
Hello my beautiful readers, it has come to my attention i need to adress some things with my books. My books will delve into sexual themes, depressing themes and talk of death and self harm. I dont want any of you trying to repeat what you see in my books. Please if you are feeling depressed and desperate, please call the national suicide prevention hotline and talk to a loved one, weather a parent, aunt, uncle, grandma, teacher and or any one else you trust. Please dont hurt yourselves or copy mine or anyone elses work that involve self harm. Please get help, and may my prayers be with you. I hope this solves some problems you may have with my books, have a wonderful day/night my lovely masked demons!


Hello my beautiful readers, it has come to my attention i need to adress some things with my books. My books will delve into sexual themes, depressing themes and talk of death and self harm. I dont want any of you trying to repeat what you see in my books. Please if you are feeling depressed and desperate, please call the national suicide prevention hotline and talk to a loved one, weather a parent, aunt, uncle, grandma, teacher and or any one else you trust. Please dont hurt yourselves or copy mine or anyone elses work that involve self harm. Please get help, and may my prayers be with you. I hope this solves some problems you may have with my books, have a wonderful day/night my lovely masked demons!