
Friendly reminder that Wattpad's Project Portal Contest is accepting submissions until October 19th at 11:59 PM EST! The grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of $7,500 USD, with additional prizes for the remaining finalists!!
          	Five Wattpad Originals are participating, and YOU have the chance to adapt the first few chapters of these stories into captivating new webcomics and post them on Wattpad. The top 10 stories, determined by votes, will become finalists. These will be judged by our team at HQ and the original authors. 
          	To learn more about the contest, check out the book on the Media Directory profile ( where all details will be provided. You can also access this via the Contests page on Wattpad!
          	We are LOVING the adaptations so far and can't WAIT to see more!
          	Thank you, and happy creating!


Oi oi só passei aqui para divulgar a continuação do O museu das almas que já esta com um segundo volume irei deixar a descrição da história se você tiver interesse só clicar no link
            Após libertar as almas aprisionadas nas obras de arte do museu, Scarlet pensou que finalmente o mistério havia sido resolvido. Mas a chegada de uma nova exposição de arte viva, feita de cogumelos raros, revela um perigo ainda maior. Os cogumelos não só absorvem as almas, mas também começam a apagar as memórias daqueles que se aproximam, deixando-os em um estado de esquecimento total.
          Desesperada para entender o que está acontecendo, Scarlet se alia a Ayla, uma micóloga energética e irreverente, especialista em fungos e com um estilo de vida completamente fora do comum. Ayla, com seu ritmo frenético e paixão pela ciência, vê nos cogumelos algo muito mais profundo e perigoso do que Scarlet poderia imaginar. Juntas, elas tentam desvendar a origem desses cogumelos misteriosos e o que realmente está acontecendo com as memórias dos visitantes do museu.
          À medida que se aprofundam, Scarlet e Ayla descobrem que o museu está sendo controlado por Mycelis, uma entidade que se alimenta das consciências humanas, manipulando as raízes do museu para se expandir e dominar. Agora, Scarlet precisa enfrentar essa nova ameaça e impedir que o portal entre os mundos se abra, antes que tudo o que ela conhece seja consumido pelo esquecimento.


Friendly reminder that Wattpad's Project Portal Contest is accepting submissions until October 19th at 11:59 PM EST! The grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of $7,500 USD, with additional prizes for the remaining finalists!!
          Five Wattpad Originals are participating, and YOU have the chance to adapt the first few chapters of these stories into captivating new webcomics and post them on Wattpad. The top 10 stories, determined by votes, will become finalists. These will be judged by our team at HQ and the original authors. 
          To learn more about the contest, check out the book on the Media Directory profile ( where all details will be provided. You can also access this via the Contests page on Wattpad!
          We are LOVING the adaptations so far and can't WAIT to see more!
          Thank you, and happy creating!


Hello, Fantasy Lovers!
          The @Fantasy profile launches the Pitch Wars challenge, and submissions are LIVE! Submissions will close on September 15th, 2024. For more information, check out the challenge book here:


Hello, Wattpaders!
          The @paranormal profile is excited to announce that we will host a picture-word prompt series for all paranormal enthusiasts! Get ready for a weekly dose of inspiration to fuel your writing journey. The debut prompt will be unveiled this Friday! For more information about this weekly creative prompt, follow this link:
          Let's embark on this writing adventure together!


And the Amby Awards Submission Form is now officially closed. 
          Hello Writers!
          Thank you for sharing your stories with us and best of luck to all those participating. 
          We are busy with round 1 of judging. We've received a total of 885 bee-mazing stories! Stay tuned for more updates on the judging process. 
          Cheers <3