
omg franiel is officially out there! they are literally the cutest couple ever! 


I am very sorry to anyone who reads my books when I tell you this. I recently got grounded and my parents ground for a long time so there won’t be updates for a while... I will let you guys know when i’m back and updating again. 


ima rant for a second... so there was this one WDW one shot book I really liked and I had it saved but it was archived in wattpad and all of my archives basically deleted themselves and now i’m mad cuz I really wanted to read that one but I don’t remember the name or author so I can’t look it up... and I also really just need a new one shot book or regular book to read from here cuz I can’t ever find any I like ): 


i’ve read a couple of them! you are very talented!


ima self promote a lil, hi i write one shots n regular books :)