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After reading the ch twice I m back here. Girl seriously either u r gonna kill us with your imagination or by the cliffhanger but I don't mind getting killed with both .that ch was fucking awesome girl


HLO everyone.
          Actually I read a ff of JK few years ago but don't remember the name and it was not completed that time. And I'm searching for it again, so would you guys please help me find it?
          Let me tell you the story.
           It is starts with the FML waking up from coma (or something like that). Everyone around her is angry with her for something ( which was not revealed). Everyone consider her a psychopath (or mentally ill). JK is also angry and upset with her but he stays by her side, take care of her and told her he is her husband. (or finance maybe ) And there is also a girl character who is very close with JK and jealous of our FML. And their comes a scene where JK and FML is shown in a pool fighting and romancing.
          After that I don't remember.
          COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT? It is a humble request.
          After that I don't remember much.


@Gamera759 yeah I also read that but currently it's not available in Wattpad ig the author removed all of her work... 



@mavisjeon girll the way i GASPED-


@mavisjeon MOMMY IS BACK YAY!!!!


Dear author,
          I don’t comment on anywhere so much but I really wanted to tell u something ,so that’s why I am writing this to u. I have read my fare share of stories about Jungkook actually my journey starts with him. I still remember my first story on wattpad ,it was about him I couldn’t muster up any other persons stories but eventually I started reading stories about others people and other things dark romance, fiction, fantasy etc Sooo I think u can tell that I know my stories well. When I read your story painted in red I just couldn’t…
          It was soooooooo good!!
          There is some stories where u get attached with it and u just can’t like seriously CAN’T get enough off it that’s what happened with me on this story of yours. 
          That’s it, I just really wanted to know that u should be really proud of your self for this. I don’t about other people but this story was awesome and I really hope that u will continue to make stories like this… 
          Thank u
          Your true fan
          Love u!! :)


Dear lovely author Mavi.  
          I'm here to let you know you surely is the best author here. You play with wors well. I'm finally happy to read the ending of Ache. I thought ache gonna have a full book. But not gonna lie I'm satisfied with this too. Totally to the core. 
          For 3 years I've been waiting Ache ...if I'm not wrong.  I have been reading your ff here and ao3 and trust me you take me by your storm. It must be hard for you as we've been bothering you about ache. And I'll not lie everyday I check the notification if it's for ache. Finally it has come to a perfect end and I felt as if I got my soul rest in peace .hahaah. 
          Love you author, always keep it , and TBH I actually love your smuts, very steamy and romantic. Please make some smuts ff. We really love to read it. .....
          Cheers to you maviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.


Hey author, hope you are doing good. The last part of ache is fire!!!! But I was wondering...will we be getting any updates on jeon's baby...cuz I love the book and we are waiting from a very long time! There's no pressure. Just wanted to know. Love you:)