
HELLO, i hope everyone is doing well and thriving! And even if u aren’t i hope you do soon ! i just posted a chapter that i’ve dedicated to my little one(hehe) it’d be really cool if y’all checked it out, i know it’s been a minute but heyyyy i’m back haha:) I’ve been writing just not posting:(anyways i hope everyone has a splendid day and i hope u enjoy the chapter byeeeeeeee


HELLO, i hope everyone is doing well and thriving! And even if u aren’t i hope you do soon ! i just posted a chapter that i’ve dedicated to my little one(hehe) it’d be really cool if y’all checked it out, i know it’s been a minute but heyyyy i’m back haha:) I’ve been writing just not posting:(anyways i hope everyone has a splendid day and i hope u enjoy the chapter byeeeeeeee


HOWDY! omg it’s been such a long time  I’m back and i just posted something if anyone wants to check it out!i hope everyone is great and i hope y’all are doing well :) please feel welcome to dm me for anything, don’t be a stranger:) 


Hi! I recently published something that holds great and personal meaning. This new part addresses a really serious topic and issue that unfortunately most people go through, this is my attempt at shedding some light to it and i hope it really helps someone or makes a difference in someones life, no matter the size. Anyways, thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy it if you read it. Byeeee<3