
Hi guys, I'm on vacation and I can't write bc I threw my phone in water and it doesn't work (I'm literally using my mom's). I'm so sorry but you might have to wait a couple of days for an update :(


@Roadbella I'm glad you are liking it! I'm almost finished writing the next chapter so I'll try to upload it today. And I'm actually thinking about being a psychiatrist haha.


@mbel_ms that's horrible I hope you get a new phone and hopefully I can't wait for the new chapter this story was really amazing it it was so good it was so affective I said like it had a relationship with psychology are you planning to be a psychologist when you grow up


Hi guys, I'm on vacation and I can't write bc I threw my phone in water and it doesn't work (I'm literally using my mom's). I'm so sorry but you might have to wait a couple of days for an update :(


@Roadbella I'm glad you are liking it! I'm almost finished writing the next chapter so I'll try to upload it today. And I'm actually thinking about being a psychiatrist haha.


@mbel_ms that's horrible I hope you get a new phone and hopefully I can't wait for the new chapter this story was really amazing it it was so good it was so affective I said like it had a relationship with psychology are you planning to be a psychologist when you grow up