
Okay, update time. The reason I have been updating stories slowly or not at all is because of a lot of life stuff going on right now. Someone in my family passed away then my mother had to get brain surgery, I had a lot of drama at my job and needed to find another job fast because I don't have job security for the new year. Basically at any moment, I can be fired. I've finally secured a job but it requires me to move across the country, literally, and to do that I have to sell literally everything I own because I can't afford movers. So not only will I be moving to a whole new state but I will basically be going with the clothes on my back and nothing else. For those wondering I will be moving from Texas, where I currently live to Oregon. But the job does pay me 20 grand more a year than what I make now. So that's a plus I guess. 
          	Anyway, my life is hectic and I'm hanging on by a thread. That being said updates to a lot of things will be coming soon. More updates to Attention What If will be posted every Wednesday. 
          	I will also be posting the chapters I have of Book 3 of Casters. The Book is not finished and will never be finished because I am rewriting the series but I do have like 30 chapters ready to read. 
          	Plus! Book two of The Witness, called The Convict,  to come soon! I've been working on it nonstop this holiday season. Currently on chapter 28. 
          	Eventually, I will finish writing Attention Truelove but for now, updates are paused just because I have too much on my plate. 
          	I will also be posting the character short chapters for Caster, a spinoff prequel book about the characters in Casters before the start of book one. So yes, new year, new content. Just bare with me as I struggle through life right now lol.


@mcandr1 take care I hope this new year will bring lots of happiness in your life. 


We believe in you!! Hoping nothing but stability and happiness for you this new year! Remember that your first priority should always be yourself!! You can do this


Hey, I'm coming from tapas, and it looks like you're more active here than there. But I'm wondering when you are gonna update Hide and seek? :,) I mean like no persure but it's great unfinished book.


@mcandr1 ay this nice to hear and take your time. No persure 


@TunaAteMyFace I hear you! I have started writing more chapters for it but I'm stuck, hitting a wall with it so I am taking a break from it. I have been pretty swamped with my job and moving so I am putting a lot of things on hold right now until I have finished moving and am settled in. I promise not to leave it unfinished though! I always finish my works even if it takes me years to come back to them. Promise. 


Okay, update time. The reason I have been updating stories slowly or not at all is because of a lot of life stuff going on right now. Someone in my family passed away then my mother had to get brain surgery, I had a lot of drama at my job and needed to find another job fast because I don't have job security for the new year. Basically at any moment, I can be fired. I've finally secured a job but it requires me to move across the country, literally, and to do that I have to sell literally everything I own because I can't afford movers. So not only will I be moving to a whole new state but I will basically be going with the clothes on my back and nothing else. For those wondering I will be moving from Texas, where I currently live to Oregon. But the job does pay me 20 grand more a year than what I make now. So that's a plus I guess. 
          Anyway, my life is hectic and I'm hanging on by a thread. That being said updates to a lot of things will be coming soon. More updates to Attention What If will be posted every Wednesday. 
          I will also be posting the chapters I have of Book 3 of Casters. The Book is not finished and will never be finished because I am rewriting the series but I do have like 30 chapters ready to read. 
          Plus! Book two of The Witness, called The Convict,  to come soon! I've been working on it nonstop this holiday season. Currently on chapter 28. 
          Eventually, I will finish writing Attention Truelove but for now, updates are paused just because I have too much on my plate. 
          I will also be posting the character short chapters for Caster, a spinoff prequel book about the characters in Casters before the start of book one. So yes, new year, new content. Just bare with me as I struggle through life right now lol.


@mcandr1 take care I hope this new year will bring lots of happiness in your life. 


We believe in you!! Hoping nothing but stability and happiness for you this new year! Remember that your first priority should always be yourself!! You can do this


Hey everyone sorry for the lack of updates, my laptop charger broke and I'm struggling to find a new one that works . I've also been going through a lot of personal stuff with work and family but I promise once I get a new charger I will upload new content. Sorry!!! 


Why isn't Dear Rosey on Wattpad? I understand that it's on Tapas so it doesn't matter much but is it because of what you said in your bio that you're leaving your most explicit work on tapas? 


@frxyamystical ah okayy! thanks for the clarification 


@frxyamystical yeah my last account got deleted for sometimes explicit in my works, I don't know which ones. So I am leaving the worst offenders like Dear Rosey and Don't Stand Close to Me on Tapas. 


The Attention books have been updated, for some reason chapter 30 of Attention What If was never posted, but it should be up now. I'm so sorry I didn't notice that sooner. I've been busy with life stuff. 
          I will resume updating these stories once a week.


There will be no update to Attention Truelove and Attention What If today. I will be switching back to only updating once a week. This is because my backlog of chapters is running low and I need to give myself more time to write more. I think I only have like three chapters ready to publish for each story before I run out of content to post. So this gives me more time to write and try and finish up the stories. 
          The update day is planned for Friday by let me know if you guys want to change it to Wednesday. I was thinking of changing it to Wednesday but I'm not sure. So let me know! 


Is it weird that I am afraid to read your stories? Not the drama part or the plot of the story, it is the fear of the cliffhangers. I am so terrified of reading it and getting into the story and then it just stops and now I have to wait for an update. It scares me to read now. 


@mcandr1 OMG ! You updated both what if and True love! I feel as if I am going to explode. I'm so excited  


@Ange654gon As a reader, it is terrible. Part of me wants to wait until the book is completely done so I can just read it through but I am so impatient when it comes to reading, I end up choosing not to wait. 


@Ange654gon lol I completely understand, as a reader I hate cliffhangers as a writer, I love them 