
i just watched the red wedding episode in game of thrones for the first time 


absolutely traumatized and that’s an understatement


i have such a good idea for a book but i’m literally the worst at actually sticking to a writing schedule lol. i’ve always discovered a new book idea and ran with it, publishing the first few chapters and then realizing that i made no outline with no actual plans for the plot of the book and giving up on it. howeverrr, i am currently writing a detailed outline of this new book idea i have, and it’s going pretty well so far. i’m gonna finish the outline before i start uploading chapters and try not to get ahead of myself. school is starting up again soon though, and it literally takes up ALL of my time. i’m a sophomore in college now (which is absolutely insane, i joined wattpad 8 years ago) and college is very mentally, emotionally, and intellectually exerting, so we’ll see when i have time to work on this new story. when summer rolls around i’ll just be working so hopefully i’ll have plenty of time to plan and write. 
          remember when i was writing hayes grier and shawn mendes fanfictions? lmao honestly that’s so crazy to me now. i used to spend so much time on wattpad writing and reading. i can’t believe a story of mine had 20k reads at one point. and it was sooo bad. i wish i didn’t delete it bc it would’ve been hilarious to read it now.
          i’m not a phenomenal writer, but i do still love writing, and i happen to think my essays for my lit classes are pretty good
          anyways, i’ll continue working on that outline and we’ll see how long it’ll be before i start uploading chapters


hi all! i just updated my cast for “when worlds collide” because i realized there wasn’t enough diversity in it. i’m probably going to go through and edit it a little bit, and then you should have an update soon :) btw thank you for 300 reads!!