
*drum roll please* Finally! I'm officially back. :">


Good day everyone! Actually, I've been reading a book since then and I noticed something really good work made by different authors here at wattpad community. Now I'm here to suggest someone who's really good in writing her piece.  Just click the link below.

          Please let us support her. I hope you'll read her work. Thank you & God bless!


Hello po. Pwede ko po bang gamiting piece ang shot story nyo na turning tables sa thesis ko? Under your name po.


@GorgeousMaria_101 Hi! Sorry I just read this now as I'm not as active as I used to. What is the relevance of my short story with your thesis, if I may ask? I don't mind you using it though as long as you give due credits. PLEASE. Oh, btw, Zee Almiran is a pseudonym of mine, just so you know. Do reply to this please.
            P.S Turning Tables may just be a fictional story of mine but it is tackling humanity and very serious issues so please treat it with respect however it may be of use to you.
            P.P.S Thank you very much for taking notice of one of my works. It makes me want to go back to writing. Good luck with your thesis.


hiiiiii!I'm not sure if you still remember me but I was one of your first watty friends,well,my former account (it'sme_rija) pala. anyways, just dropped by to say I miss you ,girl and our lil' chitchat.! good luck with your works and tee cee,sissy. :*