
Hey long time no see. I know it’s been a while. I’m still kinda on hiatus. Sorta.  Anyways, with season 2 of the bad batch over and I’m still so distraught about it☹️ I had this need to write a Tech oneshot with my Star Wars oc. And it was going well…until it started to snowball into something larger. It’s not gonna be a full on big story (I say that and watch it does) but I do ha e multiple parts for it already done. Anyways I hope you guys check it out. Only if you want to. 
          	Anyways hope your having a good day. Until next time


I know this is going to sound weird but can you do a one shot where onxy gives birth to her son and they tell them the name please.


One it does not sound weird. Second that is a Oneshot that is in the works. It might be a bit before I write it, but it’s one I want to do. Hopefully sometime this summer I’ll have it done and published. 


What percentage of survival would you say you'd have in your favorite Fandom?


Oh man, well it depends on which fandom. For transformers I’d say my survival percentage could be I’d say maybe 60%. I’d probably be like back at base more often then out on the battlefield. For Star Wars, the bad batch more specifically, I’d say 70%. I’d for sure be a Senator or a normal citizen. Don’t think I could handle being a Jedi especially with the no attached rule. I’d hate that. 


Hi megabee33! Do you take requests?❤️If not that’s okay :)


@RengokuSister17 ooh I like that idea. Perhaps I’ll do it at some point. 


Okay! :) no worries 
            I was just thinking of one where Hunter tries his best to take care of the reader when they’re very sick, and is very scared they won’t make it, but reader eventually gets better ❤️


Hey long time no see. I know it’s been a while. I’m still kinda on hiatus. Sorta.  Anyways, with season 2 of the bad batch over and I’m still so distraught about it☹️ I had this need to write a Tech oneshot with my Star Wars oc. And it was going well…until it started to snowball into something larger. It’s not gonna be a full on big story (I say that and watch it does) but I do ha e multiple parts for it already done. Anyways I hope you guys check it out. Only if you want to. 
          Anyways hope your having a good day. Until next time


Oie, desculpa incomendar, mas eu vi que vc gosta da marvel, então acho que pode gostar da minha fanfic.
          "Eu já passei por coisa muito pior, Natasha, e você sabe disso." 
          Uma missão dos Vingadores necessita de habilidades especiais, então Nick Fury "sugere" que Natasha chame uma velha amiga.
          A garota é cheia de segredos, e é um mistério, ninguém sabe sobre seu passado, nem mesmo Natasha.
          De onde Natasha conhece essa garota?
          Será que eles podem confiar nela?

          Da uma olhadinha e depois me diz o que achou.


@Megabee33's, could I ask you for something?


@LauraLeal833 I was wondering if it familiar with teen wolf, supernatural, the vampire diaries, the originals, the twilight saga series, gotham, marvel's the avengers, the umbrella academy, legacies, peaky blinders, friends, two half men, naruto/naruto shippuden, bleach, fairy tail, attack on titan, black butler etc?


What is it? 


I was wondering if you are gonna write a sequel to the Harry Potter book?


Unfortunately as of right now I have no plans to. I’m just burnt out with writing stories like theses. I love them and I appreciate you guys for enjoying them, but I rather focus on other things that I enjoy more at the moment. I’m sorry. 