
(copied from @beautyatwork just so you know)
          • friendly reminder that darren wilson, the white officer who shot and killed an unarmed black boy six times, just walked free today.
          • friendly reminder that there are hong kong, asian, brazilian, and gaizan protestors showing their solidarity for the injustices that are still happening. you don't have to be american to recognize racism.
          • friendly reminder that your *american* school cannot legally force you to stand up for the pledge of allegiance. stay seated tomorrow to protest mike brown's unpunished death.
          • friendly reminder that: "if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
          • friendly reminder that there are ways you can help:
          - wear black (clothes, ribbons, pins) in honor of mike tomorrow. be ready to explain why.
          - start a discussion in your history class, your current events class, bring it up and don’t let others forget it.
          - sign this petition:
          - ferguson masterpost:
          - more ways u can help:
          - keep up with my blog: (i will be blogging about *only* what's happening in ferguson for the next 24 hours in honor of mike brown's life)
          - ABOVE ALL, spread this information! educate your followers! signal boost this message by copy/pasting it to your profile, or making one of ur own! tweet and retweet about ferguson. blog about it. bring it up at dinner and school. don't let it die down. 
          *if u can alter even one person's views, you've made a difference in the world*