
"You can set yourself on fire but you're never gonna burn burn burn. You can set yourself on fire but you're never gonna learn learn learn!"~Panic!At The Disco :Crazy= Genius 


HAPPY THANKSGIVING GUYS!!!!Im so thankful you guys that actually read my books like thank you. You guys are the ones that keep me going.(even though it's not a lot). I'm trying to get this next chapter ready so I can post it on my birthday as a thank you for the votes and comments. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!~Melissa :3 stay alive |-/


Hi to people that are reading this.Go read a friend of mine story. She really wants to do another book but she says that she does have followers but they don't read her book. Its a 5sos book. She told me her idea for the new one she wants to do and I thinknits pretty cool.Go check her out it's @LUX595. It'll mean a lot to her please.~Melissa:3


Sorry for not updating today I'll                                                                                    try tomorrow. I didn't have enough time yesterday to write down what the next chapter was going to be about because I went to an Ed Sheeran concert yesterday(with my sister) or 2 days ago since it's 12:30 am here. He was wonderful he sang Small Bump,You Need Me,I Dont Need You, and a new song and plenty of other more.He was just perfect. I'll try to update tomorrow like I said but it's not a promise. ~Melissa:3